0800 435 772

The Criminal Finances Act 2017

3-hour course        3 CPD hours

£289 +VAT per person

£ 289  +VAT
per person

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Home > Online training > The Criminal Finances Act 2017

The Criminal Finances Act 2017

3-hour course

Course prices:

Online: £289 +VAT per person

Course overview

The Criminal Finances Act 2017 is one of the most important pieces of anti-fraud and anti-corruption legislation to be passed in the UK. It amends the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and introduces two new corporate offences of failing to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion. Entities will be criminally liable if they fail to prevent tax evasion by either a member of their staff or an external agent, even if the business was not involved or was unaware of the act. Amongst other provisions, the Act also introduces ‘Unexplained Wealth Orders’, increased asset recovery powers and extended powers to investigate money laundering.

This important course will guide you through the new corporate offences and how they will operate. It will take you through the measures and procedures that should be put in place to comply with the Act and demonstrate that your organisation is doing everything possible to prevent financial crime. You will also be guided through managing the risks and the application of due diligence. Crucially, the course will also guide you on how your organisation may establish a defence if it is alleged to have committed an offence under the new Act.

What will you learn?

  • What are the main provisions of the Criminal Finances Act 2017?
  • What are the different types of fraud?
  • How do you develop an anti-fraud policy?
  • What do the new offences of corporate failure to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion seek to address?
  • How do the new offences support HMRC’s strategy to reduce the ‘tax gap’?
  • What is the UK tax payer offence and what are the current ‘trigger’ UK tax evasion offences?
  • Why are people very concerned about the ‘failure of relevant bodies to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion offences by associated persons’?
  • What is a ‘relevant body’ and what is an ‘associated person’?
  • How does the foreign tax evasion offence differ from the UK tax evasion offence?
  • What sanctions and penalties may be imposed?
  • What are the typical risks that organisations face and how should they manage them?
  • What procedures should organisations have in place to be able to demonstrate they are doing everything possible to prevent financial crime?
  • What are the 6 Guiding Principles to underpin your Prevention Procedures?
  • How do you apply due diligence and what might alert you to the possibility of fraud taking place?
  • What should be your policy on ‘whistle blowing’?
  • How can your organisation defend against an allegation that it has committed one of the new corporate offences?

Who should attend?

It is vital that anyone with a responsibility for an entity's tax affairs, be it a company or an individual, fully understands this new legislation and the consequences of non-compliance.

This course is suitable for tax managers, financial controllers, compliance officers, company secretaries, directors and third-party tax advisers.

Extra benefits

  • course pack containing the information presented on the day
  • certificate of attendance

Course presenters

  • Laurence Howland

    Laurence has 30 years experience working with HMRC as a criminal investigator and a specialist in tax fraud and financial crime. He has delivered training both within HMRC and internationally on proceeds of crime legislation, criminal finances and money laundering.

    Laurence has also spent over 4 years as the UK Fiscal Crime Liaison Officer to Beijing working directly with the Chinese government and across the Far East to improve mutual understanding of and collaboration on international fraud and money laundering. He has acted as an expert witness in cases involving the underground transfer of funds from China to the UK.

    View testimonials

Course dates

Online course dates

  • 2 July 2025 | 9:30am-12:30pm Book