0800 435 772

Chairing and Managing Successful Meetings

New 6-hour course        6 CPD hours

£369 +VAT per person

£ 369  +VAT
per person

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At UK Training we have taken a fresh approach to online training that we're sure you will enjoy. We've taken all the best features of the classroom and replicated them online meaning you'll get the same high quality training combined with the time and money savings that come with training online.

All our online training is visually engaging, highly interactive and informative ensuring your online experience will be just as rewarding as the classroom.

About our online courses

At UK Training we have taken a fresh approach to online training that we're sure you will enjoy. We've taken all the best features of the classroom and replicated them online meaning you'll get the same high quality training combined with the time and money savings that come with training online.

All our online training is visually engaging, highly interactive and informative ensuring your online experience will be just as rewarding as the classroom.

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Chairing and Managing Successful Meetings

6-hour course

Course prices:

Online: £369 +VAT per person

Course overview

If you are a director or in a senior role in your organisation then it is likely that you will be spending a significant proportion of your working time in meetings. This can prove costly, in terms of pay, travel and time away from productive work for key people. It is essential therefore that the people organising and running the meetings are highly-skilled in managing the whole process to achieve the best outcome in the shortest timeframe.

This highly practical and interactive course will help you understand why meetings are necessary – or not – and how to properly prepare for them. It will also demonstrate how your meetings should be chaired effectively to steer the agenda and participants to a successful conclusion and ensure the meeting achieves its stated objectives.

The course will benefit anyone who is responsible for organising, chairing or running meetings. It will give you the knowledge and skills to apply techniques that create high-impact meetings that deliver results. It is packed with plenty of tips and advice that you will be able to implement at your very next meeting.

What will be covered?

  • What are meetings and why are they held?
  • What is the role of the chair?
  • Chairing – skills and characteristics
  • Understanding the behaviour of participants
  • Keeping the meeting on track
  • Closing the meeting
  • Methods available to review meeting

Who should attend?

This course will benefit anyone who has the responsibility of organising or chairing meetings whether at management or board level. It will benefit people whose involvement in this area is new and those who are more experienced but find that their meetings are not running as they should be. It will also help those who recognise that developing good meeting and chairing skills will help them in their future career progression.

Extra benefits

  • A course pack containing the information presented on the day
  • A certificate of attendance

What will you learn?

  • What are the different types of meeting and how do you choose?
  • Why is the purpose of the meeting important and how can you set objectives to meet it?
  • Who are the right people to invite to take part and how much involvement should they have?
  • What preparations should always be made ahead of the meeting date and what else is advisable?
  • What skills do you need to have to chair the meeting effectively?
  • What are the characteristics of a great chairperson?
  • How can you take the lead and what roles do other people play?
  • How do you ensure fair participation by those attending?
  • Do you need a Code of Conduct?
  • How can you manage conflicts that may arise?
  • How should you handle disruptions?
  • What should be done about conflicts of interest?
  • What must, should and should not be included in the minutes?
  • How can you agree action points that are actually actioned?
  • Who has voting rights and why are they important?
  • How are decisions taken?
  • When should you accept Any Other Business and why may you refuse?
  • What should be done in the follow-up to your meeting?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of holding meetings by telephone, video-conferencing or online?
  • How can you review and evaluate the success of your meetings?

Course presenters

  • David Joel

    David is a Chartered Director and an active practicing non-executive director. He has been facilitating, delivering and mentoring at senior management and director level for over ten years in both the public and private sectors. He has also provided training and consultancy services through the Institute of Directors for over 12 years and has broad practical experience of business change management, board evaluation and in mergers and acquisitions.

    View testimonials

Course dates

Online course dates

  • 22 & 23 October 2025 | 1:45pm-4:45pm Book