0800 435 772

Evaluating & Improving Board Performance

6-hour course        6 CPD hours

£399 +VAT per person

£ 399  +VAT
per person

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Home > Online training > Evaluating & Improving Board Performance

Evaluating & Improving Board Performance

6-hour course

Course prices:

Online: £399 +VAT per person

Course overview

Board evaluation is a fundamental requirement of the UK Corporate Governance Code and best practice for all other organisations that have a board of directors. A highly effective board is one that clearly articulates the vision, ethos and values of the company. It takes full advantage of the board dynamics, has a clarity of purpose, effective chairmanship and a strategic direction.

This course will demonstrate how these aspects can be developed and a high-performing board can set the tone and lead the organisation’s strategy most effectively.

It is essential training for anyone who works on or with a board of directors, whether it is a board experiencing tough challenges or one that is confident in its own performance. It carefully details the technical aspects of the board evaluation process and explains how to implement a culture of continuous improvement.

Who should attend?

This course will be invaluable to any company that has a board of directors at any stage of development.  It is essential training for all company directors, company secretaries, chairmen and chief executives as well as non-executive directors. It will also be of enormous benefit to those who work with a board of directors in an advisory capacity.

Course content

The course covers the following topics.

Role of the board and its directors

  • The duties of the board and its role and responsibility in articulating the vision, and determining the organisation’s culture and values
  • Setting objectives to ensure the delivery of the strategic plans and reviewing risk appetite

Evaluating your board’s effectiveness

  • Good governance, regulatory pressure and developing a culture of board performance improvement
  • Board effectiveness review methodologies

What should be reviewed?

  • Assessing board dynamics, chair effectiveness, clarity of purpose and strategy
  • Delegation to management, stakeholder engagement, board process and risk

Board review process

  • Pre-requisites and deciding on the, internal or external, reviewer
  • Owning the review and setting out the process

What will you learn?

  • What are the legal duties and responsibilities of the board of directors?
  • How can the board best articulate its vision?
  • What role should the board play in determining the organisation’s culture and values?
  • How can directors balance conformance with performance?
  • What is entrepreneurial leadership and how will it help?
  • How should objectives be defined to ensure the delivery of the strategic plans and review risk appetite?
  • What does a high performance board look like?
  • How can the board’s performance be evaluated?
  • What are the main tenets of good governance?
  • What regulatory pressures are being applied to your board?
  • How can we establish a culture of board performance improvement?
  • What is a learning board and how can we help a board to learn?
  • What board effectiveness review methodologies are available?
  • How can a 360° approach help the evaluation process?
  • What are the benefits of a scaled approach?
  • What are the most typical areas for review?
  • Why are board dynamics important and how can they be harnessed for best advantage?
  • What impact can the ability or effectiveness of the chair have on the functioning of the board?
  • Why is clarity of purpose so important and how can this be decided upon?
  • Who is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the company?
  • Can board level responsibilities be delegated to management?
  • How should stakeholder engagement be managed and reviewed?
  • How can you be sure that board processes are as efficient as they can be?
  • How do you assess and mitigate risk at board level?
  • Who should conduct the board review process?
  • What pre-requisites need to be in place before the review process can begin?
  • Who ultimately owns the review?
  • What is the role of the chair in the review process?
  • What part can Senior Independent Directors play?
  • Who should set the Terms of Reference and what should they include?
  • How do you decide which evaluation and review methodology is most appropriate for your company?
  • How and to whom should the conclusions of the review be presented?
  • How should the review be followed-up and what happens next?

Extra benefits

  • A course pack containing the information presented on the day
  • A certificate of attendance
  • Complimentary refreshments and lunch provided

Course presenters

  • David Joel

    David is a Chartered Director and an active practicing non-executive director. He has been facilitating, delivering and mentoring at senior management and director level for over ten years in both the public and private sectors. He has also provided training and consultancy services through the Institute of Directors for over 12 years and has broad practical experience of business change management, board evaluation and in mergers and acquisitions.

    View testimonials

Course dates

Online course dates

  • 9 & 10 July 2025 | 9:30am-12:30pm Book