0800 435 772

UK VAT and International Trade

6-hour course        6 CPD hours

£369 +VAT per person

£369 +VAT
per person
£ 369  +VAT
per person

About our online courses

At UK Training we have taken a fresh approach to online training that we're sure you will enjoy. We've taken all the best features of the classroom and replicated them online meaning you'll get the same high quality training combined with the time and money savings that come with training online.

All our online training is visually engaging, highly interactive and informative ensuring your online experience will be just as rewarding as the classroom.

About our online courses

At UK Training we have taken a fresh approach to online training that we're sure you will enjoy. We've taken all the best features of the classroom and replicated them online meaning you'll get the same high quality training combined with the time and money savings that come with training online.

All our online training is visually engaging, highly interactive and informative ensuring your online experience will be just as rewarding as the classroom.

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Home > Classroom training > UK VAT and International Trade

UK VAT and International Trade

6-hour course

Course prices:

Classroom: £369 +VAT per person

Online: £369 +VAT per person

Course overview

Applying the international VAT rules is not straightforward and mistakes can lead to costly delays. This course clearly explains how a UK organisation should apply the rules and account for VAT on cross border supplies of goods and services, both in the EU and RoW. 

Goods - the course covers zero rating exports and evidence requirements, import VAT, how to apply postponed VAT accounting and the Import One Stop Shop.

Services - the course covers how you determine the place of supply, the general rules, how and when to apply the reverse charge and the many exceptions to the general rules.

Attending this course will lead to more efficient handling of international VAT within your organisation and help you correctly submit the VAT return. What’s more, your greater understanding will help you maximise VAT reclaims, reduce delays and improve cash flow.

What will you learn?

  • Exporting goods - zero rating, the time of supply, evidence
  • Importing goods - import VAT, postponed VAT accounting, duty deferment accounts, relief schemes
  • Sales of goods to private individuals - the Import One Stop Shop (IOSS)
  • The general place of supply rules for services – B2B and B2C
  • The reverse charge – when and how to apply it
  • Exceptions to the general service rules – including land, digital supplies, events & admission
  • Completing the VAT Return
  • Intrastat and administrative requirements

Who should attend?

This comprehensive course will benefit anyone working in accounts or finance teams, where a good understanding of UK VAT is required and is involved in processing sales or purchase invoices for international trade. It is essential training for anyone who completes VAT returns or is responsible for the recording of VAT on foreign goods or services.

Extra benefits

  • A course pack containing the information presented on the day
  • A certificate of attendance
  • Complimentary refreshments and lunch provided

Course presenters

  • Kevin Guy

    Kevin is a Chartered Accountant with his own successful accountancy practice. He has been presenting in a wide range of subject areas for UK Training for over 20 years. His vast knowledge and experience in VAT training means he can readily help attendees understand challenging issues in a clear and logical way.

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  • Stephen Pope

    Stephen is a VAT Specialist at Fiscal Solutions. He is responsible for the preparation and processing of VAT returns, Intrastat reporting, EC Sales Lists and the submission of VAT claims in various EU Countries. Stephen liaises with various tax authorities across the EU.

    View testimonials

Course dates

Online course dates

  • 23 & 24 April 2025 | 1:45pm-4:45pm Book
  • 24 & 25 June 2025 | 1:45pm-4:45pm Book
  • 3 & 4 September 2025 | 1:45pm-4:45pm Book
  • 5 & 6 November 2025 | 1:45pm-4:45pm Book