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Home > > Chairing and Managing Successful Meetings
Chairing and Managing Successful Meetings
6-hour course
If you are a director or in a senior role in your organisation then it is likely that you will be spending a significant proportion of your working time in meetings. This can prove costly, in terms of pay, travel and time away from productive work for key people. It is essential therefore that the people organising and running the meetings are highly-skilled in managing the whole process to achieve the best outcome in the shortest timeframe.
This highly practical and interactive course will help you understand why meetings are necessary – or not – and how to properly prepare for them. It will also demonstrate how your meetings should be chaired effectively to steer the agenda and participants to a successful conclusion and ensure the meeting achieves its stated objectives.
The course will benefit anyone who is responsible for organising, chairing or running meetings. It will give you the knowledge and skills to apply techniques that create high-impact meetings that deliver results. It is packed with plenty of tips and advice that you will be able to implement at your very next meeting.
This course will benefit anyone who has the responsibility of organising or chairing meetings whether at management or board level. It will benefit people whose involvement in this area is new and those who are more experienced but find that their meetings are not running as they should be. It will also help those who recognise that developing good meeting and chairing skills will help them in their future career progression.