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Home > Classroom training > The Essential Guide to Incoterms
The Essential Guide to Incoterms
3-hour course
Now fully updated to reflect the changes introduced by Incoterms 2020
When exporting or importing goods, selecting the most appropriate Incoterm* for the contract of sale or purchase can be very challenging. The commercial implications of the terms are often misunderstood and as a consequence, there are risks of incurring unnecessary costs and contractual disputes with your customers and suppliers. These risks now apply to UK businesses trading with the EU, as post-Brexit they are regarded as importers and exporters.
This half-day course provides a complete understanding of Incoterms and their relevance to your business. It explains the risk and cost responsibilities of each term for both the customer and the supplier. The course examines the potential consequences of using each particular term in an overseas supply contract and their implications for domestic trade. In particular it will explain the obligations of the parties when...
The course will help you avoid many of the potential problems that can arise in commercial agreements between companies trading internationally. It provides a useful checklist for buyers and sellers and it a framework for avoiding disputes that typically happen in international trade.
*Incoterms is a registered trademark of the International Chambers of Commerce.
This course will help people at all levels of sales and purchasing - from senior management through to the people who deal with the administration. It also helps people in logistics and shipping roles as well as those working in the finance department.