The Data Protection Bill has been published
The Government has now published the Data Protection Bill. The Bill will implement the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the UK and seeks to ensure that this country can continue to hold or move data freely within the borders of the European Union.
Download the Data Protection Bill here.
The Government says that the Bill will achieve the following...
- Make our data protection laws fit for the digital age in which an ever increasing amount of data is being processed.
- Empower people to take control of their data.
- Support UK businesses and organisations through the change.
- Ensure that the UK is prepared for the future after we have left the EU.
You can find out more about the impact of the forthcoming changes by attending our market leading GDPR course, Preparing for the General Data Protection Regulation.
This full-day course is a step-by-step guide to GDPR and will help you understand what you should be doing now and in the coming months to prepare for the important changes. The course will show you how to comply with the Regulation and what will change from the existing legislation. It will explain the new rules regarding the legal basis for processing, consent, privacy notices, control of personal data, mandatory breach reporting, complaints and penalties.