David Joel helps people understand Sustainability and ESG...
Last month I attended UK Training’s first presentation of our brand new course presented by David Joel - Corporate Sustainability & ESG. The two afternoons were thoroughly enjoyable and David's passion and experience in the subject shone through.
Why should you be giving this your attention?
David has advised a number of corporate clients on developing their sustainability and ESG policies and he clearly communicated the need for companies to be aware of the direction of travel regarding these issues. He explained that businesses need to be fully on-board and committed to sustainability and ESG principles or risk losing customers and having restricted access to investment funding.
David gave a very good example of why this needs addressing now. Support for sustainability and ESG principles is very strong amongst millennials and it is estimated that by 2030 this particular demographic grouping will make up 75% of the workforce. Thus the pressure for increasing sustainability efforts from within organisations is only going to increase.
More about the training...
As with all our training, the content was engaging and easy to follow. One of the most enjoyable aspects of this course was the discussion and interactive exercises throughout. Delegates came on mic to explain their company’s approach to sustainability, which was really valuable for everyone to hear.
A key moment and practical application of the course was when David explained how to implement a 5-step approach to create a successful strategy for business sustainability. Particularly important was his explanation of how the implementation process must be informed by the core purpose and values of the company.
Who attended and what did they say?
People attended the session from a wide variety of industry sectors including construction, engineering, agriculture, financial services, housing, energy, transport and manufacturing.
The most common feedback from delegates was that the sessions were not only very informative but also practical and useable. These were just a few of the comments from delegates afterwards...
"A very thought-provoking and practical course. As someone looking at options for our company to develop a sustainability strategy, the course provided me with a good basis to start." Strategy and Governance Director
"An expert presenter and excellent 'admin' support. There was a good mix of presentation and delegate input. Good food for thought and things to take away and consider for my own firm." Company Secretary
"Not just informative but also thought-provoking." Financial Director
Join us at a future date...
This is a subject area we are all going to have to come to terms with, so if you or any of your colleagues would benefit from attending this course, have a look at the full course description here. The next presentation is on 21st September in London, with a further online date in November.
Written by Paul Murphy
Connect with me on Linkedin here
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